T 18 <TheChurches c~rriage. Now though that was extraordinary, yet it hold.s thus farre in ordinary times and cafes,that though. you may ufe the beft meanes you can, and take the befi confultations) yet (o as fiill to trufi more toyour ptayers, and ~on God for wifedome and direCt: ion then to your owne coufultations, and the meanes whichyou ha.ve ufed, fay as lehoftsphat did, although we ufe meanes,yet our eyeJ are t6wttrd thee; it is a prevalent argument which A.[11 ufed to.. the Lord. l Chron.14. xx. Lord (:faithhee) it is . notbingwith thee to helpe with many, or JtJith no power, , helpeuJOLord',urGod,forwerdl: on thee, and in ' thynA-meare weecomettgainjl thiJgret~tmultitude. As i .if bee fbould fay,. I bave provided an army, · madeall things ready, but I refi upon thee for, helpe ; therefore the Lordwa:s prefeflt withhim., 'gave him the vi6tory : fo wee fhould gee to ~be Lord and fay,we have ufed the counfell ofou.r befi: friends, and the beft rneanes we can,1~ur- yet Wtr .eyuAre t.owards thet, and.wee refi OD the_e for dire- .ttion in rh is cafe.If<t man rbus refieth t1pon God, bee may fay, if 1 bee deceived, tlle Lard dec~i... - :vethme. Ifthou trufl:dl: not tot he Lurd, ~e mar · faile thee, for he·e is not bound to dite& ·and to– . :guide thee, it fare rh with us, as With thofe ·that :came to aske quefiions of our Saviour, ctnious one~; the Lord fent them away witbo.utananfwer,. Rept hirufelfereferved: So ifwee~o~ne toaske, no[ with refelution to refi.upon ·the Lord, and .in· ,c;onfidence he will direct us, wee fhall ~· goe with-· · :out: lf4i. 7·. The Lord · ha~h p;tomlfcd de· :Iiv«!rance U> ..Ahtzz, yet tels him ,. if you will not