Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

not beleeve, you {hall not bee efl:ablith– ed. Fourthly, there mutl: be a caret~pJeafe him; 4 ;a confi:ant courfe ofobed~~nce, ehe we doe not truft in him:- hee that faith hee trufleth to the Lord, and doth not obey him, doth but .diffem. ble with him, and fo the Lord accounts it no bett~r, than dHf~mbling with him, as I er. 42. ~o. · 'Carry thy felfefo, that th'eLord may rejoyce over thee, to doe thee good, and to guide thee in all exigents. And if tbou wilt take his counfell in heavenly things, thou {halt not want it in earth- - ly things. Pro. 4· 6. Forfake her not, that is (Wife– dome.) andfheefh~tll keept thee j 16flehet', and fhe fha/1 preftrve thee; tha~ is, if a man will preferve the uprightnelfe of his heart in his wayes, if bee will walkeby the rule that God bath appointed him; then wifed.ome.fhall preferve him, that is, Chrift {hall guid~him in all his wayes. . · Now there is a double gt~idance, one in a mat– ter offinning, or not finning againfi God; when 1 We are preferved from doing a thing that is un– IawfuiJ, which David cals le-ading in the paths of righteou(neffe.Pfalm.z3 ·3. Sec:ondly there is a gui– ·dance, which is a matter of bleffi11g and comfort to us, which is called feeding infaire paftures• .In the fame 1' [aim. 13. 2. and the fecond cloth de- · pend ueon the firft.. If thou be contented to bee guided by the rules the Lord gives thee, he will dire~ thee in ths,things tlot·at belong to thy owne comfort and advantage. _Pfalm. 2 s, fo tbe pro- . miferunnes there,verfe I z."hat man·is heethat fell.· I i 2 _ r11tb