Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

/ - 'Ihe [h.urches Carriage. I reth tf;e Lord? himwillhe teach the.way thtSt hee fhall ~bufe. (Him) that feares him, and keepes a good: confcience in aH things, our former care herein. is that which ftirreth up-the Lord to guide us'and direCt us,ina11 our fireighcs.There is a time when the Lord bath need of thy fervice; if thou w-ilt , . not faile him at his-need, (as I may fo fpeake) bee will not faile thee, when thou haft need of him in thy fireights. And thus to have counfel1 given-a man in fu€h cafes as doe neerely ·concerne him) a;nd are> of great weight, it i~ a great privilege;.. -And·this thou (halt have, if thouwHc follow his counfell, in other thing~: Therefore be exhorted ., upon this gtau~d'and' motive tO· keepe thy hear:t · more perfeCt: with God. · . . The c_aufe why .Ahfolon and RehoGoam erred:,. wa~ becaufethey provoked the Lordformerly,and if thou beefr alfodifobedient,. this fua~l be your Runi{hmenc, that beca·u(e you would. noc hearken rohis counfell, therfor~ when tooti needeft coim– fell, everi in thofe things .that fhali bee as much as thy life, thou {halt·.-The Lord hath made no promife toJuch aman;io (hewhim the way he fhould choofe. · . · One thing mull: be added, and that is this, th~t in any parcicular ·cafe, thou mufi: be rea_9y to re– figne thy felfeup to theLord, to take his counfel. Hee will r.ot Jofe his labour, thou muCl: have a heart that is plyable to hhn., and yeeld thy felfe up wholly to his difpofing, and not fet thy felfe . to any way fo; but that theLordmay take thee off it.. Thofe · ~mong men that are governours . . of