Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

'The Church-es [arriage. of ot.hers, .are.willing ro beftow their labour on them that~re pliable, but thofe ~hat are.Pf ·ftub~ born difpofitions are a difcourageme!Jt to them; they that walke frowardly with the Lerd, the Lord willwalke froward&with them; therefore f<."'e thou refifthim not in the paffages of his providence~ and take not the bit in thy mouth, aod hold. it in thy teeth, as one unwilling to be guided. So it' is, men are ofren fer on a thing upon a humour' and tbeywillgoethisway or that way, as. they like, what ever come of it : but fomerime the .Lord in mercy barreth up the way, as we doe pies .that are by theway fide to keepe travellers from · falling in, as they patre in the night. Wee finde fometimes the dore {hut upon us in a courfe ' whieh.we would enter into.; 'f0metimes ·hee fets ·ourconfcienceupon us toexpoflulate wirh us, e– ven as the angell did with 1-IAgar, when thee fled from her miftreffe. Gen. 16. i8. Hagttr S~trahs mttid, fayes he, rrhence cfJmefl thou, and n:hither wilt thougoe? returne to thy dame, and humble thy felfe under her hands. As if he lbould have faid, Hagar, thinkewiththy felfewho thouarr,sarahs maid; it was her pride eau fed her to run ne away, fhe thought to have beene mi!l:reffe, and becaufe fbecouldnot bear theroughurage ofher mifi:r~ {fe fhe had forgotten her plaae, the,efore the Angell cals her s arah.r maid) and bids her, ,rzoe andhumble thy[elfeunderherhands, and likewifefavcshee,con– fider whence ·thou cometl:, from the 'godliefi: fa~ mily in all the world, and crmfider whither thou · goeft, to them that know not God, that arefl·ran_~- Ii 3 gers --~~'-=-'~~---..!'___----;--~:!____-----