Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

'The Churches [arriage. 1~; numbering of the people, though better counfell was_gi-.enhim by loa~. But he was fetuponit,he would doe it, and fee what came of it. So Iojiah would fight with Pharaoh-Necho, though better counfell was fent him from tbe Lord, to paffe by him,and let him alone: fee what came of it. Ther– .fore.take heed of this ftiffeneife of affeaion, and ~ w.ilfulndfe, and fiubbornenefi'e of-Spirit. _The Lord may fometirne give way to thy mind, but it is in judgement, not in mercy: the thingwhie ·J "thou haft a m1nd to,it maybe brought to parfe,but · · ·fhad beene better for thee to want it. As it had' beene for, but he wonld needs goe up to IJat~.,..c, and therefore the Lordbad him goe in his anger, fe~inghewould nor be fl:aid. Hee deales with us asE1ifba did-with thofe,'l King 2. I 5. That wauldgoe tofe~ke the body _of Elilzh, they hadmanyde– '")'ds, huty_et they were inft•nt with him, fo that in the ~,d, he flad them goe, and they went, 1-nd loj6 the-ir la.. uour,fortheyfoundhimnot. In all cafes of difficulty learne to feeke counfell of theLord. Thefeconditionsobferved, you {hall have the ufe of this privilege. . Another ufe is this, let every man lcarne from h~nce tobethegloryofChrifi:.How is this drawn · from thence, you will fay? If you looke into that pla~e in the I Corin. 11.7. See how it fol– Io ~~: es upan it: Chrift is die head of every man, andt hemanis the womans -head, as is before in the Chapter, what foll{)wes upon that? in tbe ' feventh verfe, he fayes, the man is the image and. glory.ef God, and the woman .is-theglGryofthe: ~i 4 man.: