Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

-Gods c.ompaflion, to his people i,z affliCtion. doth oot fay, when you goe in ·fiep by fiep, but when you are precipitated, fall all.on the fuddaine, and areplunged into them ; fo the word in' theori. -. ginall ftgnifiech_. A?d fecon~l~,not ineo one, bt~t into all forts, mtodtvers aflh&:lQns-a~ once; aflh. dion in Efl:ate, B0dy, Wif~., Children, one upon thenecke of another: y;~t ·rejoyce, andnot cme1y ·ro,but beexceediqgglad,as_glad as aMerchant man · is to fee his !hips-come from the Tndies laden with riches, and full Qf ~re~fure ; fo:beneficiall Jhould . in the.ead. ·: ~owC}{cept they -did alwaies bring homeJucb freafure, and proved not in the Hfue exceedmg good andprofitable, he could not have deftred them thus to reloyce. , · Now-if yot.J. a.ske the teafpns why it is fo 1 that : •Godrdeales thusyv'ithhis'Cbildr~n in·atl1i:Ctions ~ :i : anfweroutofthete:xt. , · · Fidl: fayes he, they are my pe:.ople, they ar~ his o.wne~ -and therefore: h~e is f.uU.ofb-o\Vds.of C0m– :P4ffiGn. toward.sthem, as a, , to.h_is own·child, becaufdt is his,l:(o(.I_I.8. t4ouart minf',;md I can-i not deale wi~h thee as with a fira·oger, for my ho. I weUs 11re turnedwithi» m,e?as ,i~is ther·e,when it came · t~ the cafii1;1g a~ay <:>.f his child,he canaot do it. S6, -I SAm.u. 23. The .LordwiUnotfor(ak.ey~Y, for you arehis people. And fo alfo, t.Micah.7. 1'8. ,,v_ho u· · agad like rmtoour God 3 that pardopet,h ini.quity, and palfethhy the tra:nfgnjion of the remn;:vt of thine he. 1 ritage l there lies thee reaCon ; 1 th~eyare a remnant 3 . I .they are cho!enout pftherefi of 'theworld, and to · I . them hee i~ fo merdfull, as there is nnnetik:eunto · ! _him, it would makeaJU·anJl:an:d amazed~c it. . . T~ 17 . ' \, I I ~ I I I