, ~+ ,:'The Churches [e~r.riag_e. man. The meimingis this, when thou:dofi: con~ fider that the Lordis thy·husband, and thy head, . thou mufi:.thinkeof th:is-with tby'felfe, and cv{:y time thou findftrharp,affa.ge in Scripf re,it iliould . put thee in mind to carry thy felfe fo as 'rbou maift_be the glory?fth~ Lord~ that is, ·tJ1ou·muft take heed offtanding on thine owneb?:rtome,and fceking glory to .thy fclfe, anq oftbinit~g with thine,owne. beames, feeking any felfe-excellency; . but as.it is in the civilllaw, Mu'lier corufcat '(~cliiJ mariti, rthe womanmlifi: iliihe with the beame"s 'Of • he man, that is, tbemuil: chaienge nothing~sher owne, but every thing fhe feekes or fi:ands for; it· . . is jnthe na.rne of her Husbaad; t:herefore what:. .'eyer.tbou llaft beene,.or~Ver thou halt fought~ h?– nourtotbyfdfe,andapp.laufe,and ro·be..thoilghc fome body in 'the worid,yet nmv thinkethus ~i.rh . thy felfe , 1am the Lords t:ow·, I muft ·grre ~ h'im alllbe praife, and tarry·my felfe f6, that all i .my~.xcel1ency may~·re:floet upon ·h1m. And this al{(),tharwe ar.e members, 1 isal{oargument,enough . .fqr i-t. What:can themembersdoe? .t-here j~ , agi.lity in them rodoe tl"tanyattioos;. ~utwhere' have they, alhtheir~ vigoup·?iS~ it nbifrom the bead? So all {he wit, and learnin~fi:hou ha!l:, thofe excel!en;. · (>ies th<:m hall:, when~· haft thou tbem? are'they not from Chrifi ?. the members· doo th~t they dO)' but in an infl:rurn_entall manner,fodG:ili'thou,wlfat cyer thou doft. Therefore confider·this, and fay bear:tily, it is not I that ·d'oc thi~ or that, but the grace of God in rne,l doe but ~EluJ age~e, it is the :infiuence.o~my head;.·~lnifthatbwrougbt itby me,