Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

God bath given thee) or for his glory, a~d ifthou finddl: not out thy end, yet confider whether in matter or manner of-doing, thou· doft not .fi:eppe out ofthe way: ifnot by diis,yet conftder after the acrion is done, when any thing is well performed by thee, whether thy heart beginne not tofwell in thee, that 1s, to thinke better of thy fe1fe thanbe– fore, that is a figne thou takeil: fomething to thy ·felfe, that belongs to theLord. And when a man takes that to hirnfelfe which is the LordJ, bee is not the glory of the Lord. Ifnot by this, then, Lafi:lyconfiderwhetherthou artmore troubled forthatdifcredit that comes to thy felfet or die ditbonour that redownds to the Lord', upon "'' thy mifcarriage at any time, confider how thou art affeCl:edwi~hany thing. One fi~p further you muil: goe,and that is, not onely to take nothing to ycurfelves, but Iikewife fo ,to b~~ve your felves that you may be an honour eo God by lhewing forth the graces of Chrifl:,that theLordmay boaft ·. ofyou as he did of !oh. I.loh.8. I fay thou mu£1:. carry thy felfe fo, as the Lord may glory in thee, fay to Sathan o(thee> as he did to him ofIoh: fee– eft not fuch a man in fuch a towne. in fucb aplace, how zealous hee is, how holyrbe not a lhame and reproach to him, but a praife: bee lookes for this from his Saints,and therefore weares them as fig– nets on his right hand. As great men wearedia- . monds, and precious fiones, and iewel$ in their eares, about their necks, and in their rings., to a– dorne and beaudfie them : fo the fervants of the . Lordarc thiJ iewels that bee weares to make him . · . . · glorious·