Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

ihe Churches Carriage. 1~7 glorious in the eyes·ofmen: great men are kno·.vn by their Iewels, and fo is theLordbyhis Sainrs. Therefore it is a great motive to keepe thy felfe unfpotted of the world, to carry thy felfe fo, that his name may be honoured, and his Gofpell well fpokcn of! the glory ofChri1l is engaged in thy carriage, let it be-fuch as becommeth the Got: I I . pe.AgainifChrift 'be theheadofevery man, the~ try and confider from hence what thycondition ~""fo· is.Jfhebe theheadofthe Charcb,nomanwirhin the compa{feofthe.tme-Cburch,but is amem-. berofChrifl:. Confider whether thou bea mem· ber .ofhi~ body, onethar:is guided byhis Spirir · tirno~ bur ·how iliall we know·that? , Firtl by this, thou {halt find the fame Spirit" · ·, that is in Chrifi: living .andbreathing in thee; thou fhalt finde the fame difFolition and antipa– ·thyand affeC:hons tobe in thee, that are in him; abhorring that evil!, and cleaving to that good he doth. For rhe body ofthe treeand thebranches are not of different natures : therefor~ confider what fimilitude is betweene the Lord and thee. So foon as thou arr a livingmember,the fame fpirit is fent into thy n('art, and inftnuates it felfe into thy foule, andmakes it conformable to Chrift in all . things.As the fire inftnuates it felfe into rhe iron, and makesit like it felf: he thatiJ in Chrift, it made anew creature, ~rtd part&keJ of the divinen4ture, and is lrl(ehim in all rhings. But ifthis berhe rule, I feare mycondition, for I find many contrary dit: pofitions in me to his word, ..and contrary to Chlift~