Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

.tiS 'The Churches [arriage. Chrift. Anfrr. Thou maHl: find many rebellions in thee, and yet the fame difpolition remaine in thee, that is inChrift. There may be fwellings in the members, but yet there, is a dilpolition of health and fir(fngth and vivacity that wears them out. I.Cor.~. t 5, I 6. knowyou not thatynur hodies are members of Chrift? Shall I then take themem- . bers of Chrift , and make them the mem– bers of an harlot? God forbid, &c. that is, it is it:npoffible it lhould be fo, it is like that fpeech in Rom. 6• 1,2. £hall we continue in finne &c. how ,{hall we that are dead &c: live any longer therin ? That is, as it is impoffible for him thatis dead to finne,to live therein j fo it is impoffible for him that is amember of ~hrijf,to !Je made the memher of an harlot. Why what fay you to Davidscafe,tbat fell into adultery? An[w. Though he did, be was not made the member of an harlot. For therefore ·you {hall find in the I 6. Verfe, bee that iJ glued, .for {o thewo~d in the originall fignifit;s, that is, adhereth to an harlot, t">uto the inward fway of his heart, gives his mind to any finne, bee cannot · be,a member of Chrifi:: though he that is amem.. ber may fctll into many ftnnes, yet bee is not ,lGo1>J.JEU'o' glued, nor knit t0 any fin , for then hee could not be a member of Chrill:: For if he bee fo, bee is of thefame fpirit or body. Now it is impoffible to be of the body of Chriil:; and ofa contrary body too. If a man have his heartglued to any lin, he is nota metnberofChrict, bee ita matter ofcredit, learning, pleafure~ ordelight, a– ny lull.-, if thy heart be glued to it, aqd thou canll: not