Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

The Churches [arriage. 1;9 · not get: them afunder, thou art not' a member of Chrift. For they are not wedded to any fin, but there is adivorce between every: member ofChrifl and finne, though they may fall one upon ano– ther, and toucheacb, yrt they are ofa mouldering nature,. they will not cleave together. For he that isof God is in Chriil:, and bath the nature of Chri!l: in him, that will not fuffer him to fin. As takewatei and.oile, they may violently be fhaken together, and they will feeme to be mixed toge– ther and to beone, but they will not continue fo long, there is no coalition, becaufe they are ofdi– verfe natures; ·and the one remaines water ftill, and the otheroile ~ fo he that is in Chrift cannot c'leave to any finne, though fin and·he may touch fometime, yet they are il:raogers, cannot fl:and together, they cannot cleave_one to.another. . Befides) confider tbe manner ofthy obedience, a]l that are Chriil:s, obey him, after that manner that the members doe the head. The headiliip of Chrifl: is not an imaginarie thing; he is not like the polittcke.head of a body, but he is like ana– tural] bead, that is~ there comes a narurall true li– ving influence from Chrifl: to his members; that workes upon their hearts and · wils, as the head dothon the members. There isa force that infi– nuates it felfe from Chri£1: unto rhem,tl1at moves l them to obedience. Members, they ·are not mo– ved by ai'gumentation,by reafons and argumenrs, but byacertaine.force that comes from che head, and from a propenfneffe that is in ~hem : fo thofe _ that are Cbri!l:s,arenot moved by rcafons fimply to;