140 'The Churches [arriage. ---------- to obedience. My meaning is,no~ that reafons are . exciuded,for they have motives and arguments to move them as well as others, but tha[ is not a'II, there is a proclivitie planted in them, that make$ themobedient to their headChrijfle [-tu. Confider thole words, Rom. 6. I 3· wherefore give up your · mem6er.r aJ weapon.r ofRighteoufneJe unto G6d) that is, fo foone as a man is dead to fin and made alive to Chrifi, confider now -you are made members of anotherbqdy,haveanother head, and therefore as the members are obedientto the head, and ready to doe what everthatwillhave them doe: fo bee you ready todoewhateverChrift·commands. As wheri the head. would have a thing done,the mem– bers doe it willingly without any reiu&aocy, con– fider whether thy obedience be of that nature: other men a~e drawne tQ it by outward motives .from the force of arguments and reafons, but they , want this inward propenfneffe to bee guided ·by Chriil:, as the members are guided by thee head. _ Laftly confider whether thou feeke thy felfor the good and advantage of others. For lookwhat being a man bath, what fiate or condition in the Church, what frame of fpirit within, fuch are his defires : fo long as a man is not a meJ)lber, but a– lone, fo long hefeekes the perfeCtion ofhimfelfe, – as alone; but being a member, he feekes his good as he is a fellow member with the reft; his condi– tion isaltered,there comes an_other fpirit into him that gives him the difpofition ofa member: and _· the weJtbeingof a member,is not to be alone,but to < ~--~----------------------------------~