Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

'The [h_urches-Carriage. 14.1 to be knit to the other members,and to be knit to~ getber with them to the head. ' · - The Characters of amember are, firft to be fo– ciable, it is not the property of a member to bee a·lone, if thou be knit untochrijl, thou canil: not _ want fellowfhip with Chrifiians, with the mem'" . bers of Chrifr. As a member of the body, if there be any difjoynrure made, it feeks to be knit again, fo every ene that is a member, caanot endure to want the fellowfhip ofChrifi; ifacloud come be– twixt Chrifl: and him, bee cannot refi till hee bee made one with him -aguirie, or of therefr ofthe· Saints,which are his feflow members. · Secondly another difpofition ofamember is to be ufeful and ferviceable to the bodie and the reil: of the rnembers,as the hand, the eye, and the eare, in its place. So it is with_~\' er yone that is amem... iter of this body, whereas before he fought hj_J!l;. ' fel_fe, and confidered what did redownd to him– felfe, what profit or credir, now the cafe is alte-1 red and his thoughts are , bow fhall I doe any thing which mayglorifi,eQlyhead and advantage my fellow members? how !ball I bee ufefull to Godandman? _ 1a!lly a memberi5 compaffionate, bath a fel– f9vv-feeting of what befals any of the reft of the members, it weepes with them that weepe &c. that is, it ulerh to be affed:ed withthegoodor with the evill', that concerne th~ body of the Church orany member of it, and this is anatural · difpofition that followes the nature of all mem– bers, and the Spirit that is in them, As Saint· P4ul-