Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

s4 Gods compafion, to hir people in a/fli8ion_:._· one would have met them, whether to the ·E1fi or to the Weft &c. no way lefr toefcape, no evafion; -for when God will afflict, hee wiHaffl iCt, and there .. {hall bee no doore to goeout at; el[e it were not an " affliction: for what matter is it fora man to bee ina' fmoaky houfe,iflle hatl-t adoore to goe out at 1 but yet what doe thefe horns ferve for but to pufh them home to the Lord~ and though aman cannot fc~pe them, ye,t there is this comfort, that thoughthofe horns be as fhong as the horns of an Vnicorne,fo as·– all the world cannot knockthem ofl)_yet when they. have pufhed them to the L.ord, then the Prophet (aw 4Cttrpenter..r,aodwherefore came thofe Carpcmersf-· ro knockoff every· borne, aoq to cafi them our,fo · that every n1tion was frayed away, that was againO: Iudah; not the Af!Jria»,not BAbyl1n,nor none of them . lefc: forhataswhen God will affiid: amao,nothing canhinderh·im,fo alfo when the Lord wil fcatter the affiid:ion againe.,and will ra_ife a man )nothing fuJlt , hinder neither ; he wil doe it be it nt ver fogreat.Be not difcouraged then : what though the {torme, . grow great and violent ~ - one word of his mouth.. · will allay and fiill both fiormes and windes, as in Mark.~ o .one word did ic : fo take the mofi grievous difeafe that thou haft long Iyen under, and which thou thinkeft thou lhalt nev-er recov-er , yet one word wil rebuke it :take the worll: and bittere!Fand powerfulldl: enemy ofthe Church, fuch as Efam4n,– if God'fpeake but aword to him, as hee did to L,:_, Gan, hurt me tbiJ ma.lf; hee cannot hurt thee; ( .1e word offhe LordI ef w. tames them all; onely-bring faith with thee. MArk. 4· 40"4r. In the great Rorme