Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

36 _ Gods [ompafton) to hhp~opleinafftiElion. - - Lord; and hee giveth t·wo reafons. I. Becaufeall, other things they would go to, W6tll" ti~1Pf~t ihem, they were v.cine. Secondly, becaufe that the L1rtl' willnot forfake Hispeoplefor Hisgrtllt N4meJ fake, !Je- · caufl il bAthple4{edHim to makeyoN His pt1plt; as if he had faid, I would not have you leffen the firme, fe€ke out excufes (as indeed that is our fault in fu'Ch cafes) ,no,that is not the way, you qave co:nmicred amonfhous tranfgreffion, yet forfake not the Lord. Sttmu~l [aid this, becaufe that waichkeepesmen off from the Lord is difcouragement; for many aman, if bee had ( it ·-may bee) avoice from heaven that would aff~re him , if ·he came iri, hi~ firines would be.pardoned; I doe not thinkebut they would·come in . though_ they love-their linnes well ; _But the maine thing thlt keepes them off, · is, men doe not· • thinke God fo ready to receive and pardon them. Now therefore (fayes Samuel) you are his people, and the Loid cannot forfake ,his·owce: let a man have a child of his owne~ even·whenifis young and trouhlefomeJandnothing pleafant in it, yet becau[e it is his owne, his affections will not offfrom it,yea ·· his.affeet:ions will ·hold on, although when i tis growne up , it provokes him an hundred tirnes, be. caufei cis hisowne. Now ifthey lhould askehow ic comes topaffe that they are his~ SAmuel'cels them, becaufe,it plt_4flihim to 1N.,keyouhupeoJft r ·there is . no other..rea[on can beegivenofit ; fo t'hat if .ao_y. of the children of God looking upon all the WQrld lying. in wickedn.effe, and tho1:1ld aske the realon why I !hould be in thisgood condition rather then they, , there · is no other then·that ic ple~fed God to make