~4-4 ~ Gods [ompaftion,. tobis ptople in affliElw"ll~ , , thy heatt can defire, that hee will not doe for thee.; if thou half any bufindfe to doe, God will doe it betterfor thee,then thou canfi for thy felfe,the Lord wor,kM All our workes in u-s ~tnd for-us, Efay 26-. 12. Ar-t thou a Seholler, and hall: fil!dies to bring to perfeet:ion ~ a tradefman, an9 hafi enterprifes to bring topaffe '? art in flraights ·-: he will be entreat· ed ot thee to doeall for thee, if thou goe to him; and hee will bring it better to paffe·then thou canfi with all thy policy. Againe, Art thou fallen into poverty, into fickneffe, into difgrace ~ thouJhalt . finde·him eKceeding kinde, when thou art flcke, hee wm be carefull and watchfull over thee, thisDa'Vid acknowledges, P(Al. 3I. ·7-. I willhegladandrejoyce irJ thy mercy, for thouhAjlconfideredmy tr-ouble, .-ttnd haft knowne my f.oule in ar/verfities ..: when ·others overlooke and forget thee in advedity, as the But- ,. Jer did lofeph, hee will nor, :but ~ake care;of thee• .Againe, ifthoubedl: perfecuted, and hall: enemies to dealewith(as whohath not that Iivethgodlily~) , fo that (as DAv~dfaythof ·himfeife) myfoule-istt– mong Lions; ye~ thou:fhalt'finde God Jlandhythee, .as hee did by Saint Paul to de/i'f:Jer f.hte out of the moNthof tho{e Lions : thou fhalt finde him to bee as arocke, as a place of defence, to lhield-rhee againfi them and all their incurfions, fo that all their plots . and malice fhall not hurt thee. D Avidhad ofren tryall of God in this. Againe; if thou doefiwant any thing, he hath promifcd to ~rant whatf6ever : thou .{halt aske. But if thoufhalt fay, I provoke him day by day; ; yet know that he is-exceeding kind> and will pa!fe bymany infirmJries, for -hee knowes . ....