Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

·The Lords Name'is caOeduponhis·people. 49 ' . pleat lerufalem,that he chofe that place rather then any orher,.topu1his Name there:and there isthefame ·reafon why· his Name 'is called upon a \'\)·hole J: c;,burdJ ; as when he looke-d on:Europe, he chofe out the reformedChHrches to put his :Name there ; and· ·•·where-the Lord pt!ts his Name,there hedwels,Co as theone is put for theother, either tO' fay, he chofe a plac~ to dwell in,or that his Name is called upon it, ,they are all one. There are two places where God dwelleth_,I{A. 57.I) •. thmfa1th the high andtofiyone ·that inha6iteth eternity, whofe ZX_ame is holy, I dweD:in the highAndbolyp/ace,.withhimalfo#hllt isof lt CONtrite 11pdhu11Jblefpirit;&c. T.he highdl: heavens and the lowell: hearts areGods chiefdl:: dweUing places .rHe barb indeed_ other places,hedwellechelfewhere,but 'in•thefe two he manifefreth a peculiarity ofbis pre– fence, and th;u peculi:nity isof the prefence of his .. g~ace and comfort ; fer he faith in the fameverfe, . tl · revive the {pirit of the humble, and to revive the · he;~rt ()I the cDntrite ()1ft ; bee reveales himfelfe to thefe, and his fecrets, which are hid from all the refr, and-bee 611s their 1hearts wit~ ··joy and,com·: ,fort• . Ifwe'befuchasbeatethe Name of 'Go'd, then; Yfe le let us learne tobeobedient unto~im, to give upour felves untohim ; for fo much is intimatedhy this, ''that we arecalledby·hisName, ano thetefore we are faid in Scripture to bebAptizedinto theNameof le{ tU chrifl ; that is, wedoeby ourbaptilme pro– , feffe thus much, that we giveour felves to his fer– vice ;·fortobearehis Name is tobeare ourowne names no more, that-isour owne natures nomo·~· . E A