Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

. < ' I ! - - n, LorJs Name is caOtduponJ,iJ people. that is calledby the Name of the Lord is . no more Sui jaril, his owne man; As -a man chat giveth .himfclfe to ferve another, how much he ferveth .himfdfe, fo muchhewrong.eth that man. ·And the reafon why a Wife leaves her ownename, it is to ,fuew that ilie is to gi up her felfe to the · obedience of her husband, lhe is not mifl:rdfeof her felfe, not free, £he depends-on her husblnd a~ _the Ivie on the tree, iliee hath no roat ofher owne .. 1to rell: on, but dependeth onhim. Sowe having . taken the Name of the L o R » upon us, wee mull: thinke that we are no longer free, weleav~ . our owne names, we m,uft have no m'o(e root of ·· our felves, but oftheLord; we mufi have nowill . of our owne, hjswill muft be ours : therefore, ye,e that beare the Nameof the Lord, let it not be in. . ;.profeffion ondy> but doe that thing which,the -Name requireth) that is,. follow no more your felves, but followG.od. AWifebeforehad the · name of her father, but when ibe is married, as the • leaves thlt name, fo the leaves father and 111othcir alfo to cleave toher husband; if her -Parentscorn-~ . mand one thing, and her husban.:l another, fhe leaves her ft11thtr And m8the, AndcltAvu ID her huf– h~tL: [:o asJcaving father ~n\1 mother, ·implies1ea- .ving to beareaffecti~n to them, injcomparifon,to . her husband, ·aod thus mull youdo: to Chrifr, as< you ha\«! it in L11ke 1 4· z6. tf thou woul dell: be matched to the Lord, thou ~null: be~ivQrcedfrom •all thingself~ in_theworl~,from e~ery- t~-ing that is very .Jrieareanddeare to.thee : fat her·~nd mother, · ~con~es and daughters are-dean·, butyou mu111~:: ...