Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

Tl'' LorJ1 NanatiscaOed upon· hit-~to~. 5l the••IJf•r .cllrijlsfoke,.w10" t4111Jit lie llil Difolplts.· yea, he t.natis married tothe Lord, muft hateand / 1 deny hi's owne foule ; when his owne foule defires' . one thing, and Chrift another, hemufi deny it and ' ,bedivorce-d from hirnfclfe, and takenoroote from himfelfe, but from theLord, becaufe·he is able to fuftaine him.· Wives are not bound to defl:roy themfelvcs for their husbands, but this boned is neare~, therefore Epbe{. 5.3I,_3l·. this nearecon- ~ · junchon bc:tweene man and wtfe 1$ made·hutasa - ihadow of that betweene Chrifi and his' €hurch, I who is fle/b gfhil f/e/b,~t11d/;p1JeofhiJ hont,verfe 30. And as for this.caufe they lt~tve [11ther """1111tber, · asthet.Apojlle fays, verfe 31. f~forthiscaufemuft , we leave aH to cleave to Chnfl: and be fubjed:to· him, as verfe24• that is, our will mull be fubjed: to the Lords. As ifthou haftfuch:ajoiu~ne}*to go, · . fay yea, but what fayes my husband to i~· c: thus Saintl4me-steacheth us to fpeake, lAm.4.J: I wiUg1 i11to[Nch 4 Citty (if Godwill) fo inochevbulindfe; ' fay, if theLordwill (towhom I ozmmarried) I will doeit, elfe not: and y.ouhave reafon forit, becaufe .. Chrift Joves us as his Spoufe and body : by this • union we are one fldh with him, yea one fpiFit, and 110 m•fJ ll~ttes hil DW11t jle{h_, faith the ',4pljile there j though .a man hath all the imperfections in his body that maybe, foares andbites,&c. yet he.hates . ~tot his owne tldh, but hbourethpartly_to cover thofe, WOU11ds ·and imperfections , ,aOdr'to heale them, if he can, .forit is his own~body ;· Sodoth the Lord love you, if you havetakenhim·tobee . . ~ourhusband; youh~vereafon therefore n.evcr to J E 2. _ forfake