Tbe Lords 1:\{ame is,called upon his -people. 6i God or no, try wherheryou~ealhamedof any the .. peculiar acts of Religion;upon whi<:h fh ame is ufually caLl: amoflg men. · ' The fecond ·quefiion I I would aske is this :-are youailiamed·of God, or any taske or duty, or his-· people among thofe where the flume will doe·you· fome hurt ~ ·confider whether youare not ailiamed ofl\eligioa among fi~ners; it_is an expreffionput ·_ in for fome caufe i~ Mizrk-e 8. 38_• Who{oever jhalllie· ~ . aflr4med'· of met andmywords in thiJ ~dulrtrotugenera- – un,&c. As if lie ·fbouldhavefayd, itmay·beyou , wouldnotJbe afhamed'ofme amqng S~ints; but he~ that is afl\am~d of meamoagfi rheworfi -of men, 4nd in a· daagerous time' in fuch·a time as· when it 'is ·ignominious to be a Chrillian (as it was then) of · that man will I be afhamed in rhe day of the Re– furreCl:ion. You mufi therefore try your felves:, wha~ you d~ before wicked·men, and what youdo ~ befqregreatmen;<when it is [Gme loffe to you to pFofeffe . e H K· I s 'I', or any truth 'of His; and . knowthat this is not a fmall matter: We mull pro- - feffe CH R. I S T in OUr times·, WC!e mull make the word·of God the-rule of our lives. Perhaps wee · thinke that folong as our hearts are right , .and.fo, that·we runne not out into evill wayos with others, the matter·of pr~fdiion is but afmall change;'. t-hat . that is-but as tae leaves of godlindfe ; if God have the.fruit, what need·we carefor the-leaves~ But re– memher·that in' Rom. 1-o•. 1o. 'With thehe11rt manhe- '– leevtth.untQ righttoufoef!e, .a11dwith the mouthcenfeji~ 011 in»AaiMntB{itbvaiion .~ This will damne many,of us, the want of profeffion, as wellas the greatell:' liones. I'