Preston - BX5133 P738 G65 1638

76 1 VVithottt Humiliation no mercy.· ning .of the Pialme hee had exprdfed that it was) thotldidft defire no focrifice oj mee, norwouldjJ have,de- , lighted in rJfJ burnt offering from mee, 6"'t the focrifces of .God are a6rokmj}irit, and other duties-but as they .come from it. This is the maine facrificeJand with– out it, nothing accept'abie, unlelfe it ·hee laid~pon this low·Altar which fantl:ifies tbefacrifice. Rea.f. z, As it is onelya fie Sacrifice for God, fo thisonly makes us fit Priells to God; and·beforewee are fit tooffera facrifice acceptable., wee muff bee Priells; and~.webecome·not Priefis toGod till wee have of· .feredour felves firfl: toGod as a facrifice,z Cor.8.5· ttnd that wee arenot, till wee ourfelv:cs bceilaine, . and broken, and fo made a facrifice. · . . . 1 <Re11(. 3· . Nothing is accepted, till theHoly Gholl: dwell in the. hear~; and untill a .man beeHumbled, the Spirit."of God. dwells.not in his heart: And there– fore what hee doth till then favoursnot oftheSpi– rit,buta ca~allheart,and fo is not acceptable: 'Till a man is Mumbled , hee keepes the doore lhut upon the Lord and his Spirit. There is one within his heart isfull already;he dwellsiahis owne heart him– felfe; therefore it is faid Efoy 57. I 5. .That he dwellt iiJ acontrite ·he4rt,that is)in it alone,for there is onely roome for him to doe what he will in all thechambers of it. · , · Rea[. 4• Vntill ~ma? will bee obedient in all things·'· no· thing he cloth 1s acceptable : He that curnes htseare. from the Law,,. ~is pr~yer £hall bee abominable. Now one that is not humbled throughly, bee may bee obedient in inany things ; he maypray &c~-but yet hee will have by-wayes of his owne,hebarb nor . ofully ···'--__..!..-----------~--~