Preston - BT100 P8 1634

• -----------;:_:-::-----···-· --~---- ·7-he 8pijlle ·' ' . ( And indeed, as, t-hat·yod1t":O'n1... eth us,is the firilFoundation ofhis · Covenant of Mercie with us) 2-' Ti1n-. 2. 19. So, our true and fa... vouryknowltdgeofhim,/ismade the firil entrance into oovenant', cont~nuing ofacq~ainta?ce, a?d. encreafing ,of con1munton ~tth him, Jerem-. ;1. ~?, 34· Yea· fur... ther;as tomake·knownehi,mfelfe \vas tbe utn1ofi ' end of all his wor]{es; _~nz. 1.19. So rightly to · know him, is the befl reward at..– tainable byus for all our 'vorkes~ fob~ 17. i· 'Ihi1 is eternal/ Life to {now thee;the ()ne/j.true Gon~·and }' E S VS C HR I S T ' · "111hom thou · .hafl flnt~ - : \;vhich gre~treward.'-w,e ' doubt 'not1butthisfer~antof(jodattain_.. I ·ned•.