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\ 76 / . ~hae _o~r Goo . ~ other; thu particle1s fo ufe~ many ttmes,Efay45. E{a1 ~s.n. z z .:I am Go o,and there if none el[e, there is none betide me ; ap_d this f.bew~s the falfeneffe of all ,other gods, and all other religions. The argu– ment fiands ~thus; That .if you looke to all for.. mer time$, you iliall fee that there was never any other God, or ~nyother religion, bat this ·which we profeffe. There are two arguments fet downe in the Text: 7Jol1~ . 1 Rememver the f"rmer timeJ, and-you (hall . alwayes ·finde it thus, that there is none beftdes mee. z Thereil none like mee, faith the Lord •• Take all other gods, and there is a wonderfull great difference betweene them and the God whomwe profeffe;there is n?ne like him.Sothat the point to be delivered hence, is this : It it agreAt Argument tD prDve the Deit~e, that there it none bejides the L o tt D. To open this to you, I will !hewyou; . I What reafons theScripture ufeth to prove, that there is none belides11im. .. 2 We will give you fome i11!lances ofit. ' ·3 ·Wewill make fome ufcs ofit. 1 From the firfr, you (hall finde in the Scripture Ar~ments thcfe five Arguments, to fhcw that ther~ is no othac ,there is · the-r Goo, but that the L o it D is G o D alone, no other Gari. and that there is none befides him. l The great• s;cffc of his Majefi~c and werkes. i>foJ 116. S· From the greatne!fe of GodJ Majeftie, and the immenfitie ofhis wotkes; and that is the reafon of the words here annexed, Ther: u-nonelikehim: .as in the fifthVerfe of this Chap_ter you fhall fe_e - It