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il the True Go a. 77 it more· plai~ely"' So; Among the gods ·there il none Pfa~a1• 8 , like to thee, 0 Lor~neitherare there any."'orkeslike thy _ workes. Where you fee,that they are both put to- ·gether;:there is~none like to·him, for the great,. neffe ofhis Majefty)no{ for the immenfitie ofhis .workes•. More pa-rticulelidy,Ji-rll, in regard of the Tlte great. greatneffeofhis Majetl:y, there is·none like him: ~eaf:n~Gsds Beh1ld, theNations'4re tU a dr9p of aBucket, andare 4 o. 1,JJ.If, . eqn'nted M the fm41Jduft of:the1~a!l4»'e-:, f(ehuld,he ta- ~~.opened. keth up the I dots at 11 very.fittle thiizg.":.dndrne{'avon if nut fuffisient-to hurne, nor the Beajfs the'r.eoffuJiicient - 1fJr 11 burnt-effering. AIJNationf beforehim at no... ;hisg,andtheyAree:outtted·to-him'lrjj',Antl , ... vanitie: that is, l~t ~man.:lookeon .the.greatnefi'e· • - of G~d,and ·comparenimwith alhne·rhings--that are in theWorld,.and you (hall finde agr~at di f– proportionbetweel'le them ; they tt,re but~the-drot ofaB~cket. A:Bucket,of it fe_lfe,hofds·bdt littfe water,buryet that is for fome ufe ;~:butth~drops that fall from the Bucke-t,when it commethout: ofthewell,they are fofmalr,as wee rhake 00 a:c– cou~tof'themc: and y~t aJI theWpr:fd;is .not (6 much :r~theLo-rd, as thefe fmaH 'dreps~ Ana if that firriilitude·w:tHnot ferve, there is another; Theyare as thedrift ofthe BaUance: If it were but as the duf.l ofthe Earth,itwere but fm~ll; bu.t as for I the dufi ufthe·BaHance,it ;i~ :fo frnaH,rhat it·can·– not-weigh tl:fe8allance tbis-way,ouhat wa.y:and yet the whole World is notfo mueb tQ the Lord, ·as the dufl: of the Ballanee. ·· ;· ': • >.. V , • I . . . . ~gain~athirdexpte«ion1liehfeth,and-tbat ~s ~ ta~en fromthemannhoi-hi·s·woifuip :~ fo.r fome \ · might ., . 1