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:f.alfenefieoftheirs.For-he did acknowledge)that ,. M1[es received the OldTefiament from God;and · <: fo did the Prophets; and hee repeats mp~of the 'fl:orie: bee a<:knowled·gethalfo the Greationof Adam,an4 the ·eatingof theforbidden ·p_ruit; ~nd thewhole ftorie ofAbr•ham, and his calling, and the offering of his fonne lf•ac: belides, heeac– knowledgeth the whole Hifiorie of .Mofu; how God appeared:to him, and how hewent inroJE. gypt,andofthe ten Plagues that he fentiupon the .JEgyptian.r,andthewonders tha~he \nought goingdmvne intoCR-nltan; and fo ofall the rell:; na. , ming the Booke ofPfol•e.r, andquoting things . . out ofit, ant.·of Deuteron1mie; acknowledging manyofthe rophets,as E!i~th,Samuel,t"oP,and lo. nab:andbee nfeffeth,tbat there were many more, whichhedid not name. And fo he acknowled– geth the NewTe!l:amtnt likewife: he acknmv– ledgeth that CbriftwashomeofaVirgin,and that by the mightiePowerofGod,without man; that hehealed <lifeafes;and that he received theGoftel fr'omGBdhimfelfe;and that God gave Powerto · himmore than -to all the Prophets that were 'be- · {Qre him ; and that he was tileWord and Power ofG1d; and that all that doe befeeve inhim,fuaU , befaved,and they tball followhim in white G3r– ments ;.and that he which beleeves ft nor, fhall bedamned:And he acknowledgeth theNewTe- , Rament to beare witneife to theOld; and heac– knowIedgeth theRefurred: ion; the cornmingof 11hn Bttptifl; and he fpeakes very honourably of ChriH,exceptonely in two things:. G ~ x He .·