Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Mab11r#t deni– ' cd two things cochrift, I I ~ . s His new re– ' li~ion wanted miracles to · coafirmo it. l t ; 3 His Alcn4" ;is barharous, 1 andwitbout ~fcnre. • I --~--~~~--~~--~--~------- . ~ Hp_ tQpkeUp. iJ.l~ppinion of the 4ui•~, to. · denybi_s ,Divinit:ie~ . - · · · .. ! 2 AqQ. ~lfo be.denyed th~t h~e:wa-s crucified, I but. tp~~ (f>~t;hpd,y .was ~ru.~ifiedfot him. · ! ~ . ~~o.roqgh_t)l,!a_~~~ religion,and.yethe ·pro- ; feffetb,that:~eh~dno miracles,ot predi&ions of ' th!ngs to co01e. Now,when religion is not con– firq:tedby,rpir1lc)es, or prediClion_s,of.things to COI1fe,Qr h?Jipelfeof liff:; .i~-ii a tQken that.there ', , is QO tru~4 ini~•. · : · .. . · , · · · . · We may. perceiv~ it by the writing ofthe .Al– coran,; it ~s. fo barparous,that there is no. 1 it; and they,fay ,that,he could nei.tlrer wxitenor rea~c;; ~ ~nd.Jo·tpewritings .lhewes,.that it b.y one, that was an igpor~nt man.that_had not fkill; and thofe ftories that are alledged -out ofthe Scrip~ur~.Jl~ve ·mqchfalfhood mixed.wirh them, wpic~is_a:fignerhat he never read tbem:himfelfej but.had~hem hy· rel~tioq, ; which' he:deUvering_ io ~ very ignorant ·people, they rec~ived it of him..; and_having inlarge,d thei:nfelves by th~ · ~ ~ f\;Vo~d,. f<? t4ey (ontinpe. tP, day.~ · · . I ~ Hisd!Clrine : : . .'IP~ jJl}ptJri.ty.ofhis:doetrine, h~ cutoff:~ hat impure, .and vr,.as harq to be belee-ued,andwhatfoever .was dif- {o hjs life. fic~ltta P.ratl:ife, and propounded that to the ~ pepple, w. he.r~!n there.was -no.h~rdneife, no diffif qu;ltie2. p.r0tp~ft;ng thema paradife,_wberein tbey ·! 't1iquld have all ple~fures, and {hould injOy wo~ \ men;and alfo,they fhoqldhavemeat,drink,appa– ·rel~au~- fruit~. afalJ farts;asalfo,they tbouldhave filken,:apqpll:rplecarpets tol~eup<?n, &c.~?reovtr'heeprofe1feth thathee·hada. hcence giVen · · · him