Preston - BT100 P8 1634

· U theTru1 G o o. · · . · I SJ! ; There Is another kinde of Idolatry, whicb Saint I NPeJ fpeakes of, /Ames 4· · ree adultereu, JdmlJ_4· _ , 4nd tJd.ultere[Jes, you mClke riches and honour your Gpd, aadynur belly your God; fo alfo·-when J~~· Jacrijic.e to JDHr os~ne rtttsj) that is; to· out.. ward and fecondary meanes,orwhen you jovne anyother ~hing with God, thisjs Idoliury~ and it is very common amongfi: us. Our nature is as prone to Idolatry as any,though inanotherkind, . for men are weake creatures, and therefore they feeke fomethin,g torepofe them{elyes upon;. and becaufe they.finde not any ope thmg (uffi~lenr, \ therefore they put their fOnfidence in Jnjlny-, Rom_. r·,. For all Idolatry isupon pneofthele three 7(.1111; 1~ grounds. .. _ · Ji Tbey·JVorfhip them for gods, whom t~ey Thrtegrouads faw exoe11ent men, th~t had fomethingj~ them . of IdoJatry. above tbemfelyes; fuch as were .thong men, as Hercufu,;·and thofe that were Law-givers, and Princes, as Saturne .and Iupittr; and they did , worfhipYertunlikew ife,infomuch that they did buil<i one Temple toVertue it .fcife alone; and o:- thers to Iujlice, ancll'atience)&c. z They ·worfhipped thofe that brought any .fpeciall helpe and comfort to the_Iives of men, as,they that :did invent ufefull Arts, as B~tcchJu, Ceres, P"ulcan, lEftulapim; fomealfo worlhipped thecreatures tpemfelves,.as the Sunne,andMorme, and Oxen, and the like. . . 3 Theyworlbipped'for g_od that- which was . fironger than themfelves 3 'tberefor.e ·TuOy iaitb, They build~Temple to FeverJ, to Difeafes, be- .· · \ . . caufe ; .