Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Goos ·Name, I Aw. ---·-- ----'---~------ the Seaofwater, r.h Iuke with tlt·yfelfe that he a– lone is able to give being to every grace, and to make up everydeff!lT,and give that to thee which · · thouha!l: nor, and to all whom thou ball: to doe with; cts thyw'ife, children, friends, &c. he can make t!J'ings that werebad,goodandu{eftdl,a-nd fo malltth.y fri~nd goodalfo, as hedidOnejimm for P4r~l; thinke with rhy felfe that theLwdof beingcctodoeit', and heonly candoeitwherta'S · every creature elfe· i!ata il:and to make a.being. Therefore goe to him and give him the praife · andgloryo.fthis-bis Name. - it iliould·move us to doerhisTh our s wann; fo it fhoufdhelpeus in aU thofe great 1ft cro(ce~ · croffes thatafRitl us : for everycroffe proceeds from that ff'hichUJUtt; as x,uhel wept for her chi!- Jn, ,h&t"e'ent~t : You ~hari fee in Abt4h4m,he !JeletfJta in G o o, even ·in .G9 o, "'ho quiclmeth tht · de~tl,'Antl.calletb thDft thingJ which bee not, tll'though the.. were, ·Rom. ·A. 17.· This was ·Afjrtth4mJ cafe,· J ,. . R111~4-11. hewas to lofehis fonne, for ought·that he knew, yet he comfortedhimfelfe in this, that lehov~lt, themighty Go.d~that is the Lordofbeing, lle that · tt~lleth thingJ that ~:re not, AJ i{theJ"ere, he·ecould eithergive him his [Qnneag~ine,orone that was asgoodas he. Thus heed-id comfort himfelfe; and fo mayyve upon all occafions, for G on ftill ·. · can makethings to be that are not~ - Take loP, , when hishoufes,his children,efl:ate,al weregone . and all wert nor, yet Jeho'tl~tb, lle that m-a~es things · to be that are not, did Jtot he make· an thing~ to ,, .rerurr.e a.gaine? foDIWia, wllenthingswere D'Ot,\ , when .'