Preston - BT100 P8 1634

When his Kingdome was nor, when his good . name was gone, as wee fee byShimei•scurling, whatanamehe had,yetGDd did r;nakeall to come againe:foNaomi,when all was gone,her husba-od and her fonnes gone,and they r11ere 'lfft,yet he that was theL o R o of being gave her a fonne, anda daughter,that brought her in more comfort than her owne fons would. And this is dte ufe that I would have you to make of it; when thou hall: loftany thing, when thy fonnes or thy goods are gone,be can make~.Pall:Hewho could make up the abfence ofChrijtto the Difciples byfending , the comforter,his holy Spirir,amongfl them, fo that it was betterwith them than before,theyhad mott comfort and knowledge,& could doe grea– ter miracles, the fame G1d can furely make good any other lolfe the mofi: pinching to thee,for you mufi: remember that beis lthwAh, you fhall find .tbatnameoften ufed in Scripture on thisoccali– on,J Am lehovAh. But I will infift on a place that eoJJccrnes the fubjelt. in hand, where you lhall lee, what ground there is for this ufe wee now make ofit, ChAp. 6. 6. wherefere{~ty unto thechildren Dfl[rAel, I Am the Lord, And I wi!I!Jringyouout from 11nder the !Jurthensofthe.lEgypti~SnJ, &c. ·The mea– ning ofit is this; Many objed:ions were made by Mo5 11 s, and therefore Go n reveales this Name to him. Alas, faith Mofes, \vho am I? Shall I g<? untoPhAro•n,and bid him let the.chii– dren oflfr~Jelgoe? What am I to befenton this errand?. Saitb theLDrd, Goe, tell him; 1A!~!, or lthft'4h, bath fent thee unto him : and ~he objellionsl .....