Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Oons NAme, I AM•. jeC\:ions are obfervab!e that Mofes makes. · I •m of• jl1wmtJHth, and of aflo,. JP tech. . . . , Why, faith .the LoR o, I made the-msuth; got therefsre) and I wit!he with thy mouth, and tea(ht~t. rrhat thou Jha.ft (~ty. . 'Agalne, 1 am of uncircumcifed lips; anJ. ho" JhaU Pharoah hett.rken untomet Saith tpe Lo a n, I have mttde thee 4 god to Pharoah,and Aaron thy brotherfh•Uhe thy Prophet,.. · , · Where obferve thi$by theway: Amanwould wonder, why Mo[n, that went to fuch an one as Phtt.roah, fhould complainc, that hewas aman of uncircumcifed lips; one would thinke,that PhA– TDAh, being a carnaU man, that uncircumcifed words would pleafe him better: But it is,as ifhe {hould fay;Lo ll D,when there is any uncircumci· fedneffe in my lips,.then there is noauthoritie in my fpeech ; the leffecircumcifion there is in any mans lips,the ldfeauthoritythere is in his fpeech: as it i!faidofChriH,that beeJP4ke r~fth au~horitie, for his lipswere circumdfed .. But to take this ob– jettionaway; faith the L o ll D, I t~m, I a Ho.v A· H, 1 willbe tvith thee, I ,.;u circumcife thy lip1. Yea,butwifl Pharuhbe moved withwords? · I tt.m I :s Ho v " H, faith the L o R D , I PJiOmAke thAt to /;e,n:hieh·# not; 1,lf'iUfend pl4gueJ Amongth~m, ~tntl then he PJiOlet themgoe.. ) · , · . · But whem theyare gone, they ar~ aweake and a naked people,how tball live? ,r 1 Saitp GoD, lwiUgive themfat'fJtt.rin the eyuof the 1£gypti4nJ.,_an.d.notfend.them emp,tie,a.nd lwiUpro- . videfgqdfor them·.. · Obje£1. Anfw.