Preston - BT100 P8 1634

, i I I ' .. ,-. Bfl1 fO.I.Oo op~ned. \ G~tt~ :r; ~ Cor·4•1• ' So M~fes went a ftrange kind of errand; a~ '. ifo~ fhould·goand tell the great Turk, that the1 'Gfd ofthe Chri.fliaRs.bath fent, to let them goe: .__ . ·but yet MDfet goeth;and al'l that .comforted him,) was the revealingof his Name. . , I Nowapply this to your felves; when .you are in any diitreffe,know,that he that made the Hea– vens and the Earth, ca.n r;ive a being,toall tbefe things: Efoy 5o.1 o. who u Amongy~u thAtfeareth thl L o 1t D, thllt obeyeth .thev~iceofhitferv•nts,th~t ,alketh iN d~trkmejfo,and bathno light 1 let him truft in theNAme of the L o • D, And fl•y upon hu . G o D. Hee that PfAikcth i11 dArktnelfe 11nd h11th no light;_ let that,tbat everfl:hing is defperare, ·thou feefi not a jot ofligbt,nor fpatke of hope; yet trufl: in the Name of I a "ovA", bee can ~make tight when there is none; a man that bath 1 no.grace'in.his heart,let him truftin I n "ovAu:. rhcthat faith in his heart, I would Icould be rid of fuch a luLl:, and that I could keepe holy the Sabbath, but I have nothing in me,myheart is , -cmptieofall,(tbis is the complaint oft enevenofi thofe that have grace>) why,ifthere be no lig~r,, nograce,yethecanworke it:And foP..u/apphes that, in Genef. r. There fl'M darken~'e,a11tl 111 light, tohimfelfe and them,in 2. Cor.4. 5~ He th1t tlm111At~deth. light to fhine out ofdArkeneJJe,&t. I (faith be)-and we Gtntiler were in darkeneffe,and had no light; ye,t Go n tommanrled light to tbine-into our'hearts) and into mine, thedarke1lq(~11 ~e reft. So Iearne to apply thefame to~hy felfe; he . that is indarkcndfe,and bathnolighr,yet let him truft