Preston - BT100 P8 1634

Gons N~me, I AM. truil: in the Name of leho't'tth: beloved, that is faith: Ifyou (hould expect no more ofGod, than a man can doe,or a-creature candoe,it is notwor.. thy the nameoffaith: as this is proper onely to l09 · God, togive things a being that arenot~ fo it is the propenie offa.ith, when things arc not, to beleeve in thename oflehot·ah : therefore, there ·would thy faith be fcene. And as for thy felfe, [o for the Churches alfo; Notto taintin you fee now,to how lGw an eb they are brought, t~eChurches ·and·yet they cannot be lQwer than the efrat:e of m,rory• .the i(rtteliteswas in £gypt,and when they were in ·captivitic; yet confider, that that !ehovAh,who is . theLordof being, is able to raife the Churches, · and to. giveanew being to them : But yet in it- Efay ~. 13. Jhtt!be A tenth,tt»d,it fhtt!l returJ!e, An.ditp;4lbe eattn, as aTeile tree,and4J an 0 k~l"'ho[efubflanceisi»tfo._em rr~en theycafl theit·le~t'VtJ; .fo theholy feed fha/1 he the fohfl&1ue thereof: that is,Whenyou fee theChurches goe towracke, when you fee them cut down _like amightie wof)d that is cut dewne, or that is /poikd of its glory in the Autumne; when you fee(I fay)the glory ofthe Churches thus ta– ken away, yet there is a holy feed, which {hall be like a root or bulke of a tree•. So {houldyou fee the Churches overthrowne, laid under feet, fo that there were no hope oft:bem, fo farre as wee 4ould fee; yet be affured,rhat there is a holy feed that (hall rife and fpread it fclfe againe,even as <J · little root fpreads it felfe intoagr~at tree:: but howfhalltheydoeit? faithth~Lord; l~tmlrho- .. 't'~th,. I can give a.being,.I can inlarge theirbeing. . , But · I I I