Preston - BT100 P8 1634

\ (ioos Name, I ,.t\ M. (though they that did it, d~d it wicke~ly) yet it ,wa~ an a et <:>f Gon s providence to h1m. Thu~ things;are done for the befi, when wee commit them to him; but ifwe doe them our [elves, we are as they that Jifbed All thenight lcng, andcaught nothing; yet .when chriftcame,and bade them ro , ca!l: in the net, then they inclofed a great multi– tudeoffit11es : Soitiswithus, whenwe goe a– bout anyenrerprife o'four felves) it. is in vaine, we are not able to doe it. There is a double going about any enterprife; when we goe about an en– terprife without God, and when wee goe about · it with him.When we goe about it without Gotl., I confdfe,fome things may be brooght to paffe; and that will ferve toanfwer anobjetfion which you have fully expreffe4 in Pfal. 37·7. Reff i~ the Lord, andwizitpAtientlyforhim; fret not thyftlfehe– cA.uft of him .J~~ho pro[pere~th in hi1 ftiAJ, hecauft of the 1f!4n who hringeth wickeddevices to pajle. There is the objed-,ion. For when we teach this doCl:rine oftrufting in God, as Davidhad before, 'J!erfe 5· theobjed:ion · then is; there are magy that doe not truft inGDd, and yet they bring their things to palfe. · ·· To this we anfwer; 1. that either,they doe it .not, it withers under their hand ; ·· 2 Orelfe, iftheydoeit, it is to no purpofe, they receive no comfort from it. Therefore bee addes; the evil! dDer /ball !Je cut 1/f, that is, though diey doe goe farre in an enterprife, yet they ne– ver come to the end, they n~ape not the fruit · ~. of it, bee cuts them off; fo that if you Iooke ' I z to JI S _\ Objetl. eAr~fw. Of thofc that trul\ not in GQt/ 1 and yet cloe prefpor.