Preston - BT100 P8 1634

, Therefore ifthou wouidefl have con! in any thing, thoumull: looke up roGo o. Every creature i'S ofa mutable nature, whic.h is fo farre , unchangcablc,as conll:ancy is communicated to it from the unchangeable Goo. ConGder this for matter of gra~e. When rhon haCt got any g-ood dc!irespr good purpofcs at any time, remember t~at the being of them comes from GoD. ~ndhence it comes to pa!fc, that good purpofes ofr-times doe come to no- - thing,and like fparks goe Ollt againe;becaufe we I remc~ber t;~ot that they are from God; w_e thinkc l · that tfwee have good purpofes to day, 1fwec be\ fpiritually minded today,we {hall be fo to mor-1 row;and thus you deceive yout felves,in not con– fidering that the beingofthelp comes from God~· To this purpofe that place is remarkeable,I Chr. 1 cbrDn.:t9.11. 2 9.18~whenDaf.Jidhad rejoyced that the people hadofferedwillingly, he prayes that GDd rrould }eepe it in the im~'-~ination of the thoughts of their . he~rts: Ifwe would thus hang upon him, and de– pend on him, when the.Spirit bath breathed in us at any time, w. hen we have any fpa.rks oftruth, and are warmed _!Vith an holy affetti~n, if wee would give him the glory, who gives a being to them, ifwew9uld make this prayer that D,'f.Jid cloth, wee (hould 6nde it a meanesto make us more equall, and more even in grace. And what lfayofthis, I fay ofall other things: It is the fault ofus all, we are all fubjeCl: to thatwhich is fa idofwicked men,rfo.56; t 2 .Comeye (fay they) zfo.i.11. u ... ~1 1~illfetchWine, and wee fflillfill ourft/f)eJ withflrong I 3 drinke) • . '