Preston - BT100 P8 1634

IJ7 -·-But the creatures are ofgreat moment, ~xpeObjea. \ rience ibewes then1 to be fomething : for, who lives without them ? Againe, are wee not corn~ manded tpprayfor outward bkffings? andwee are nouopray for that which is nothing. Again~ doth. not the Scripmre reckon them fo ~ they are things for whichwe mu.f\: be thankfull, and the .· 'Want ofthem d,oth affiid: us,and we,muft efteern . - . .. f'ic as acha·ftifement.'Now, no manwill be thank.. Jull,or affi i6l: himfelfe for that wbich is nothing; 1 and therefore there is fomething in the creature; Iitisnot altogether nothingorvanity. : ·Thatthe erea· ; I To this we lV ill give a three-fold·anfwer ~- tures in themThough the creature is fomething; yet itseffolvcs are of llicacie is .. not from it felfe,but from the L,d.An no moment te - tus, are no~ bor(e is able to·doe fomething; but tofave a·man thing in three it is 4'L'4ine thing;_ the Bui/de.r h~ild1; _but it is norefpeas. d h r. • .Anfi\'. - , thing--;. an t e H'atcri·mell t!'4tch invatne, with"' Theirefficacic out theLord;the efficacy that they have to do us isftomGod. hurt orgood, is from him, ·and not fro.m-them– fetves : If GoelwiU fay to thecreature ; ~Goe,and doe fuch good,.it wilt dG>~-;it,becaufe- there · goes a coocourfe ofefficacy from him to doe it : So if bee f~y toacreamre, Goe to fuch aman, andaHUet him, it wi1l doe it, .tho~Jgh it be never , fo f~(llt.ind meanea creature;therefore of them- ! felves 'they.·neith~-do_e goqdnor hurt, the.effica- ' S:ie 1th~t they, have is frop1 .him; an.d::not from tliemfelyes: t~ey aremecre infirument~ ~ and if ! da~withdraw.his ~lefiingandcuding~ . tney.can. i doe us neither good nor butt... ~· . ~ .. ; -~ :.~ · · ·,, \ . We faY: that the¥are ·~otbing,becaufe they are ·~ . . . "''t ' ,\ . I . G "'~ .. . ~ . ' ~· .. I ., ' r '