Preston - BT100 P8 1634

--------~-~------------------------------~~ Go :o 1vithout all Caufes~ :either~from fomeother,or from itfelfe: not from anyother, for tb.en there ffiould be fometh1ng ~ that is before rheLord;tha·t is better th'an lle,from whom he receives all things,but that cannot be; for thenitJhould beGod, and..not the Lwd; and it is n~t from it felfe, pecaufe·no~hingis the caufe efitfelfe, for ·then·it 'fhould ue before it felfe,and it,{houldbebetter than itfelfe; ftirt:he caufe, though it give_the fame .thatis irtkfelf~; to the effecr, as.the father toth~ fonne ; yet the caufe is better; beeaufe.. that whichgives is bet~ · ter than thatwhich receives. , 1 ~ Againe,itfhculdb'ediffb:entfr<>mitfelf~,for · the caufe:isdiffe:rentfiom the effeCt: therefore it m1,1ft needs be;thatlle ~s- withoutall caufe,and the 6rft,t~and the·beginningC?f all the creatures ofG1d' " · · : · Whe~efoever·youfee any·thing;tliatbathbitt 7(! 11 fo 11 ll; ·_ a partofanorller, it .mu-G .needs-receive it from · fome whole~· and if'i~doth receive itfrom that • Whieh is ~ut aparr 5 yet by,degrees it muft come to fome ·whole-as to tme fountaine-; as for exam- · :p1e, ifitol'l or wood beon fire,&c.they havebut . ' ·a part of that-element,- whi~hargues that there isfomewhoie. · · ·· - . ·· .B~lt itmay befaid~i~bath that p~rt ofit{elfe objehl.' · ortgmaliy.: · ' . . That cannot be, becaufewhatfoeverliarh·any · .:&nfw~ . thingoriginally, ·mufl: l1ave thewhole andnot a · p~rt; as ·the Sun,becaufe it ·hath the light origi– ·nally;rherefore it bathnet a part:,·but·thewhole, though afterward-it gives l·ight to many; fo· a -· foutltaine, ' ·--