Preston - BT100 P8 1634

-------------------------.------ Vedicatorie. the beauty ofHolineffe as this, to _bee hut counterfeit, becaufe not tawny,like to their own; and look upon fo highPrinciples of Godli~ ne1fe 1 as empty notions raifed up byar~ and fancy to make a fhe,v, may [€e and know inyou)the true, realJ,uniform fubfifience ofthem· and that qod hath indeed~ fom: _ fuch living, \valldng Patternes of his ()Wne Great Holineife 1 and n1ore tranfcendent Graces. , 'Vhich Graces,., .'vho is the-qod()fall qrace, increafe and _ perfect inyour Lord/hiphere, that hereafte·r you maybee filled "ll'ith all the fulnejfo of him; Sopray rBtlr Ronoursever to be commanded, TaoMAs :-G .o. onvvzN~ , THOM.AS·. BALL• - '