Preston - BT100 P8 1634

, ' ~4 - 4~--------(f=, -o-n--w-ith-o-ut--a-n~C~au.-(e~~·-----erre : that which goes by a ruk·, though it doth not fwarve-, yet it may; but if it be the rulek felfe,it ,is impoffi.bie toerre. As, ifthe Carpen-' ters hand be the rule,-he ftrikes a.right line:The· .A:nge/sandcreac.ures - h~ve . a ri.llt:,. and therefore ' may erre: blltit is notfowithGod,and therefore ' what Godwils is jufi,becaufehe is the rule it felf: therefore in the myfteries ofpredeftination, we are to fay thus withour felves; Thus I finde the Lordbath fet it downe, thus bee bath expre!fed himfelfe inhisWord, fuch is his pleafure; and therefore it is rea(on,and juft,fuch againftwhicb therecan benoexception. Y[e z. Godmaydoe all things ft>r himfelfe, and ,his own_gloJy• : IfGed·bewitllout all caufes, then he may doe · all things for himfelfe, and for his ownc glory, · becaufe he that bath no caufe allove,orwithout himfelfe,he needs not do aay thing but for bim– felfe~ TheAng~ls,tbeyhave a caufe above, and without tbemfelves, therefore they muft doe nothing for themfelves, but for another, Rom, .x 1 .laft. Of him are all things, therefore to htm bee glory: that place iliewes us aground ofthis,why wee mutl: not expect, that G o o lhould doe any thing for any other end,for any othercreature in . theworld ; for having no end above himfelfe, it ' is impoffible ·that he ihould have any end but himfdfe, Prov. I 6·. 4· The L o R o bath made 11-!J ·things for himfo/fe; yea, even thetTJicked fo.r ·the Jay ofeviii.Whereas this objed:ionmight be made; Willh~ecafi:mentohell? willhedam·nethem for hi~ owne glory? Yes (faith bee) all his a{I i– ons even that alfo is for his owne fake,Rom.9. z~. · ili~e ·