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\ · Gon -without all Ca~jes. 145. there it is more large : what if G o D , wi!l~ng t• fherr huwrath, And t (J make hi! po;ver knowne, endured with much long fuff~ring the vej]eli of wrath fitted to de.Hru8ion I &c. This is enough,he bath n6end, nocaufeabove himfelfe; and therefore it is reafan enough,he dorh it,becaufe hewill doe it.The fame thing i_s tobe obfervedout of the I 9. and 20. VerftJ)where the fame reafotl is given that we now fpeakeof,whohatht &c. faith the-Apoil:Ie, i fyou lookc onGod, and the creatureJ, you- Oiall . finde this difference betweene them; all the creatures are made, as Pots are made by the Potters, which having him the authoroftheir being, dG>e alwayes ferve to the end the>: we~e ordained for; {o that the Pottermayappomt what end hewilJ, which they muft of neceffitie obey : But God, .being the nrfi: CClllfe, may have·wbat end bee will in governinghiscreatures, and no man can fay, why doefl: thou fo? bee may make fomeveffels ofhonour,and.fome ofdilhonor~andall for him– felfe,and his own glory :therefore, when you fee that he did not fpare the Angels, but'caft them down into hell,there to be referved in chaines of darkne£fe till the lafl day; when you fee him not fparing theoldworld, when you fee him fuffe– ~ing theGentiles to walke in their ownewayes ; whenyou feehim fuffer a great part ofthe world to be infidels and to perHh;when you fee him let t~e .Churcbes to be made havockof, you ili\)uld fay rhus , J'Dhimbee glory for ever : that is; you fhould not murrnure againfi: him, but glori- . fie him, and reverence him for ever : for beemay L · doe