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.Goo 1Pitheut all Caufes. doe all things for himfelfe.And ~his is the reafon MtSho,tf,t~· thtttisrendred, Mat. zo.r 5, 16. May not I Joewhat 1 I wi!J111ithmineoriJne t Hegives it there as the rea– fon1why many are called and fewchofen,why the ~ewes were firft,and the Gentiles la£1:: why h~ lets ~emany likelymeQ, .and ~hoofeth the .worll:; faithhe,Maynot I dqewtthmme ownwhdt l rvtll t Be– loved this difference is to be obfcrved betweene the creatures andGod;there is no creature can fay ofany thing,this is tnineown~, becaufehc made it not, they are not the rnafl:ers ofthem; but G_od I · may doe what he will, what hepleafeth, becaufe they are his owne. If61odwiii take a fewout ofa ation, and defiroy all the refr, who can fCJ,y any thing to him? they are his owne; and as hee is ·without all caufe, fo he iswithout a-ll end-. 1'ft 2 • ' Now as this is ofufe to jufrifieGod; in that it Wetl_loulddoc is his property to be without all caufc; fo it may nodungfor d teachus· That man may not do any thing for his our ownc en s ' • b d d . butforGDd. own end, but. he l'S oun to oe all for an lugh- . er end~ w~ichhee that madeus bath appointed, fof theefficient can makea thing to what end he : plcafe.You fee it is fo with men, a·knife is made tocut, a key to open,. &c. and~ ycnbey are all ofiron, the;fame materiali: fo theLordlooking dbwne fromHeaven, tnade ofone heapeofclay feverall creatures, and appointed to every one his feverall end, which they muft obferve and ·· aime at;. for if they doe not, they wrong him that-made them, and may befure to· find~ liim readie to de!l:roy them. So.·it is· with every :thing that is.made fGr a ccttaineend; .as ·a fire :: ,' that •