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. .l G~o ~ithout al~ Caufes• . lencie,and tobe fomething in the fletb,fuch as la– hour only for outward honour, for places ofim– ·ployme.ntand credit in all things: Confider it, I f~ y/ uchas be negligent SchoUers ,and ufe to fay · I fhal make a tbift tolive:haft thou nootherend? art thou not made ? art thou not a creature ? is it eno1,1gh for thee to Iive,and nomore? fuch alfo as have'theire£l:ates provided for them,whocarenot ought for learning, faying, they can live.without it; but art thou not made ? ·and is not this thine end to ferve Godand men? So he that tball·choofe . acalling or courfe oflife according to his owne fancy,not that which (hall be ferviceableto men, : but that which pleafeth himfelf,Jer him ask bim- · felfe this queftion; Am Inot made·?· Am I not a creature? haveI no other end,but my felfe?- fhall no more be required of me but this ? have I not chofen this courfe of life, and have I nor an end· appointed which is ro -be · Ged,and to profit men:But lhall bethink himfelfe onely w·hat is the ·befi: W<lY to live and_ provide for himfelf,which way to get profit and wealrh;thefe are idolatrous and'ftnful thoughts. Godmay doe all things for himfelfe·; becaufe.he bath nothingabovellimfelfe;but ifthou doR: fo, objeEt. thou·provokell: him to wrathexceeding·ty~ .· eAI(Jfw. . But you will fay,ld0e.all for this end)t0 ferve Signes where~ God and men. ' ~~:;he~h:~ Thou that dofi pretend todoeaH things t6be ~·: 'he.makethGild ferviceab1e toGodand men, and not to thy felfe, ·~rllim£"e-lfchis thou{haltknow .ith:y·fbis :- . . ; 'iCJid, . . ' . . • ; 11 . ~; If thou putteftthyfelfero,thmgs.that ~re .; · above