Preston - BT100 P8 1634

GoD without 1111 CaNfes. re£lfts his providence,but is witling tobeguided. · byhim, itis a ftgne that he feekes the Lfrd; and ' not himfelfe. 4.- 4 B-et:ides, letaman confider what he doth in , In ~in_j_i~h~• thefe fervites that immediatly concerns theLord toomu- • · . . owne imploy· himfelfe.Ifa man fhall ftudymuch, and pray lit.. · !Deat, negtc:a. ·tie; if.a ruan lball fpend all his time in his calling ~~~•dsfer· abou~ \l·ordly bufines, and little time for duties to btaildup himfelfe i.n knowledge, as in l'rayer. and reading, &c. it is_ afigne that he doth it not. for theLorJ, but for hunfelfe; for he that feekes not th~L'ffa,ib that which i~ done t(>.his worlhip. ,he doth it not in that which isdone in Outward : i workes-; het-ha-twillnotbefaithfull in thegrea-: · ter,,·aad tbatwbithCoddoth immediatelycorn. mana in .ftrsworfhip,he will ne~rhe .faithful! in thofe things whidi are further off, that are of · Ie«econtequenc~: AEl. 6·4· Itw·as an ::argument they .g2\7~ tb~tnfelvt~in integ~ityto the miniftry . ofdJ.eVVQt~.' betaufe they gave thetnfelves oo . ,prayer as W· to it.; tht!ydid,~s 'it w.ere,divide.. , I the tifl1e'betweehboth; tfh·ewe·retopteachOft- : • - ; :ly,Cay tbe Apo.ftles,we·c<>uld then~ait-uponTa-!. · · bles,hut·one ha'lfofourtimeis tb be ta·ken up in·' pr~yet:, theother in preaching: and ifyou th~s .. divide:rhe time, ,it is~1i-gnyou lookto the Lord.' ~- · f Flfrt·hermore;cHnfiderw~al: it'is·rh·a:uroubles . • grievinhg ·t· bee ?what a·manaimes at,i'fhe lofe·his end,that mofHort c . loffcotthac ~ grieveshiA1, whennisworkeis<lbfie; If~bis be , thatc:oncerns ·thy' ·t(0Ub!:eth:tt t'bot1 1 haft1oft _:Cbme cr~dit, dr ,· >himfclfc, . . i'rofir, tb~n thine-end is thyfelfe.; but ifrhis be . thygiiefe, thatthou 'haftnot done it in fueh a · ' · man...