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- · Th~Etern#Jo{Goo. JS9 The third thing is the difference betweene·thc I I I ethe~nhity offiGftod,~ndht~e dura.tio 1 nofall creatures;, ;:;:,d~~ w lC con 1 s m t e1e parttcu ars : cwc:ene dte e· . The creatures even the bcft of th(jm,ba.vewut ternityofGoa', . an halfe eternity they are not from everlafiing 3!'ld the dura· , · ' U6n of all though they are ro everla1\ing. creacures, That eternall duration that the creatures have 1 is not imrinfecall to them, it is dependent, they 2 : receive it: from another·- The creatures cannot communicate it to ano• l . ther,nerexrend it beyond thcfelves; the Angels r.hough they beeternall~yet ·they cannot make other things to be eternafl; GQd onlycan doe this-. A11 the aet:s ofthecreatures, all their pleafures ,.. and thoughts, and'whatfoever is in them,doe ad~ mit a fucceffion, a continuall flux andmotion ; but inGod it is not fo; he is.asa rocke in thewa;.. ter that fiandsfa·ft,thougn thewaves moveabout it ; that is, though the creatures admit ofa con. tinuall fluxc and fucceffion about him, as rhe wav~s doe; yet there is nonecanrnove ·him~ And thereare the differences between theeternityof God, and the duration ofall thecrC!atures . Now follcwes the fourth thing; · · The · con{U'f~t-rieJ that B-ow fromhence; which I V: are thefe two·:· Ifthis be the eternityofGod,' then to him all C•nftrt. Y; . ti~e,that is tocome, is (as it were) paft,P{a/~90. He poft'clfeth .A h .t: .1 • h. r; h • l .n alltbingsto4r• - t o~1a:za yeeru tn·. IJ)J g t are "ut IIJ yeir, er-.. gcther; and all dtt-y, ttheon tt tJ·pttjl : ·that t.s, .a thoufand;yeeres that time is_prefent . are to come, theyare tohim ·as pafr they areno•/ and as.n w~rc : . h. l . . A d . ' h paft WJthbuu. t mg to urn . . n agame,a-.thoufandyeeres t at- Pfllf, 9 o. 4• . · , are ' ,t