Preston - BT100 P8 1634

The BurnitJ of Go D. for fome prefennent here;·and not to regard or . beatfefred with eternity~ It i~ . the phrafe that the ApofUe RIJul ufeth,he calls it mAnJ d4J; 1titre not tu bejudgedbJNla'n, day';: and ·indeed it is·but"a (horc ·day;and what is it tb that eternitie I looko for? What is it to that-. God 1 with whom I muft: · liye·for ever· ? therefore I care not what men fav of·me, but~ I rathd thinke what the eternall Gud thinkes ofme, and what will be thought ofmee in that Kingdomewhere I mull: live forever. If a man were in -Turkie, or in fomeother remote place, to traffitke there a while, hee would not · care w.hat the men of that pla<:e thought of him, for hee faith, this is not the place where I mull: live :fo doeyoubut confider, that this is not the placewhere you,mull: liv~, and then ofwhat mo- . mentwill it appear-e ·to you, what men fay of you ? Beloved, if the· foule were motrall, ·there were fame reafon that you iliould make provifion for it here :·b.ut feeing it ~s if!lmo_rtall, youought tomake~'pre~oiltiona:hte 1 pr9vi'fion ·f~di:, ev~n . for ever·: for~the body you are apft9Iri~Ke pro– vifton, •a vi~tticull! beyond t·he·journey; but ~bnfider~ t~~ your.bave a~ itnmorrallJouie, which mufl:.livdfor' ev~r, a-nd.·:youmufl: makefamepro.; vifionifor ·it,. co·carr·yitfo long a joi1rney. It i~ our Saviours exhortation,·Iohn 6 .. 1.7. Lahour not : for the meat ;tha·t perifheth, llut for themeat ·th4t m-' ~uru to t'Verl!"'flin,~ (~fe? &.~~ ·~-s: ifp·ee ~?u!dTaY,j · 1fyouh~d nooth~r Itf~toltve but tlrts; rfi~n yqu ~igbt feek~ thetbingsofthis Iif~; . as· glory~· llo- . nour,pleafure, &c. but thefe'thibgs perifh; and .. · - the