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t66 The ·£urnity of·Gon. -------r: . · not efcape eternall death : it is good to keep our •••. '> though,ts upon this, for it will make us not fo to haflen a{Fer the thingsof theworld, as weedOe ; a~ for thy fifl thou dotefl: on io, there-are three things ro bec<!>nftdered in it; Firfl,thepleafureof ·it;isas the fpeckled skin ofthe Serpent~Second– ly, theflint; thereof: aad thirdly, theeternityof that fling. Now Iooke not thou upon the pleaJi!reoftinne, thAt endures but for 11 feafon, but con– fider the hurt that comes from finne, and then confider the etemity of it : a candle in a darke nightmakesa great !hew, b.utwhenthe Sunne 1 C.omes, it vani!beth, and is nothing;; fo will all' tbefe things tha,t we doe fg much affect now, if they come to bee comparedwitheternity inour theagbts:it is great wifdome in this kind tQhuf– bandour thoughts well, I Cor·7•3 t.Yft thiiR1orld at tJ~t ujing it, for thef.tfhien DfthiJ wDrltlpaJJeth away.o that is, mind them not much, bee not much affe– ll:ed with them, one wayor other; either in joy or·griefe,let thembeftich_as if they were not: for why-? they are tempora11 things, paffing things, thing! that continue not .·: for that is the thing I gather out of that place, thattheLOrdwouldnot have our thoughts tobeebellowedupon them, bat fo reinHfely,as ifnot at all, becaufethere are eternall things,whereon we are tofetour minds, . for the time iJ fhort :·As ifhe filouldfay,tpou -ha!l: not fe>:much time to fpare '; the time is {hor.r, and you have bufineffe enough anotherway, there is water little enough to run in the right ~hanneiJ, the.refore let none runne befide; and the things · · that I