. --,.-""'---"-'·~~~.................. - . - . ....-----·-~-.---- .. ~--..(....Qo.--- . . 'I . . . Goo tJ Spirit. . _J__, palpablc,not tobedifce&~d byanyfenfe. There-~ fore Chrift bids his Dif€tples to fcelehir.n~Beho/d L•t"'f·3'· "'Y h~t~ttls ~tnd *Jfeer, ((aith he) that it iJ I mJfelfe, I ·httndle tt~td'fte,for 4 Spirit httth'notJlefha1ta bonei,tt~ I have. A Spirit is that which iswithdrawne from' the perceivance of any corporeall fenfe whctcfo-. ev-er; and in this fenf.c Go~ is called a Spirit, becaufe he is ~Plvifibtc:: .an~ ther~fore Mofes is c~.l1 Jrl , .: . led to fee /mn t!f11t tJ tnvifiMe, n6t by~11yboddy i ·- r." eye,but by the ey~ offttith. .~ · .~ Every Spirit.mc1.;ts it[elfe, a~~ ~t~~t.thin~s ~ . alfo: .The B~y ~s bat an e~rthiy· p1et1e>:t-h.a~"ts };,£c::dso:h~r , • ·not able t'O ll:ure It fclfe at all, as ybo- f~e' It t'~, .l.ahin&s. when the foule i-s.goneoqt of it; !t}s J:he Spirit, I ~ that both mO\ies It felfe) and carrtes the bodyup and downe, where it li!leth ; and it rnov~s it fclfe with'all fpeed,and agilitie,becaufe it find~~ no refiftance. Bodies, belide their elertlencarie motion upward and downeward , have no voluntirie motion; they cannot move themfelves whither they will, as Spirits doe : A~d this I gather out of I1hn 3. 8. where the Hf1lfGhoR IDim 3· '· . is compared to the Winde, that ~/owes where it liHeth. - · j It is the propertie ofevery Spirit· to m(J'f)e 1 3 •h with eiceedint, great force and firengtb, and with r f~:'::v:~r much vehemencie; fo that it farre exceedes'the 1 ~rengtfl. · fl:rength of any Body. Therefore inEfay 3 t. 3 • EfAJ'3'•3• 4 fp~aking of the firength ·of the IEgypti'dnJ, bee fa'fth , that they a:nflefh, And n7Jt JPirit: A~ if I~ee tbould fay; allflelh is weake, l:>L1t a Spiri~ Its ftrong. Therefore you fee, the Devils; th~t Aa 2 · · are- ---·--~~-------------------------------------