\ GoD·~. Spirit. _\ body and a fpirir,it is the fpirit that is like to God ! .and in regard of the fpirimall fubftance ofthe foul, it is faiq to be made after his Image,& ther 7 , fore inHeb. n.. God is v:dled, theFatherofJPiritJ: Heb.:u.~ ~ Not but that he is the Father of the body alfo, for he made that too ;but the meaning is, he is ,.JJ.T' i~oxlJv, Father of fpirits, becaufe he moll: peculiarly and chiefly refpe{ts them, being mof.l: like to himfelfe ; as the fon is like the father, fo they are like to him, and therefore hee mofl: re- .gards the fpirits of men. As you may fee when SA-muel went to anoint DavidKing, and all the .fonnesofl~ffecame before him, thofe that were , much more proper than Da'l)id, G 0 D tells him, that bee did not Iooke upon the perfons ofmen, or upon their outward appt.~trancn, hee heedes them not;what then? he fees the foule and fpirit ofman; theLord looketh upon the heart,andaccor– ding to that he judgeth ofthem, 1 Sam. I 6. 7. Now, ifhis eye bee chiefly upon the fpirit, thou fhouldefi labom alfo to be like him, and to have regard chiefly to thy fpirir, and fo thou {halt moft pleafe him; let thy eye be upon thy fou1e}O keep it clean, that it may be fit for communion with him, who is a Spirit. This (I fay) lhould teach you to looke tq the fafhion ofyour foules within, becaufe they are likerl: to him,and carry his Image in them) he is a Father of them in a fpeciall manner, and this is that whereby you may have communion with him, in that l wh~ch is moft proper unto him, in fpirituall ex1 erctfes and performances. · Aa 3 B·ut •' ·~ ...