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6 Obje6t How that is to . be: 4enc:. t)ln[w. I :a. "''·1· 3• • 1 Obje£1. .Anfi\1. ::z. Ptt~ I. 4· Luft deliks the fpi{it. The Simplici!J of Goo ~- .. But, you will fay, wh~t is it th~t~youwould·, have us to doe toour fpirits,to have them fit for , the Lord, that he may regard them, and that they may be like to him ? . 1 Thoumufi fcoure and cleAnfe them froma8 jilthitJtjfe, 2 Cor. 7. 1. HAving therefore the(e prD~ mife.r, ( dearely Beloved,) let ui cleanfe our [elve1 . fr~m t~:NjilthineJJe tif the jlefb, and JPirit, perfeEling holinej!e in the feareofGod. There is a pollution; which the Apoftle 'fpeakes of, which poll1:1tion he divides intonvokindes, of the flelh, andof the fpirit : bothofthefe thou mull: labour to be : deanfed from, but fpecially that ofthe fpirit, if thou wou1sfell: have it fit for the LfJrd to delight , in; for he~einga Spirit, clothmoll: regard thofe ' actions which are done by the fpirit; and there– fore rhat is the thing that mainly thou tboulQft·. Iooke to, But what is that pollution of fpirit, or what is that which cloth. defile it? Every thjng in the world defiles the fpirit, , when it is Iufied after, 2 Pet. 1. 4· HAving e{cts;. ped the corruption that iJ in the wrwfd through lufl: 1 that is, the world, and ail things in the world, and all tbe parts of ir, they doe then corrupt the fpirit, deHie, and foiJe it, when the foule ofman bath a lufl:afterthem. You might meddlewirli · all things' in the world, and not bee defi ledby them,,ifyou had pure affeaions, but when vo.u have ~n inordinate lull after any thing, rhen 11: defiles yoer fpirit; therefore in T itw I. rs. t~e i Apoftle fpeakes of a confcience defiled. And JD l ~~t.