· Goo_~Spirit. . ·· . I 7. . 11-'lat. 1 5. I 9. faith our Saviour, 011t of the heart ' Mat. rr .r9• . fr6ceed eviltthoughts, murthers, aJ.ulteries, fornica- ~ tions, thefts > falfe ivitneJ{e, biA[phemies·; theft are ,the things whichdefile & man. Hee dothnot fpeake onelyofa8uall adultery, or murrher, but even ofthe·finfull difpofitions ofthe foule;even thefe .are things that defile the fpirit inGods fighr,who · .lookes upon themas you doe upon outward filthinelfe with the eyes ofyour body. s ·o that every inordinate tufting of the fouleJ d~th defile the foule. ! But is not this ru~ too fl:r~it ? Wee ate comObjtil. :manded not to~urtber, nor to con1mit adufte:.. · ry: this is the commandement ; ·and why lhould : you fay, that every difordc:red atfeltidn doth defile the foule, and that it i·smore regarded bya,d than the outward actions ? You mull: know that the-tenth Cornmand·e.. vfn[w. ment doth ftrike againft thefe abominations ; The 10 • eom~ Tho11 /halt not ·luft .~ a.s it is.tranflated, Rom-~tns 7. m~~eRlenc fo that thefe luftings of the fpirit, ctre thofe ' ;gamftlun. that defile the foule.You fee that Goelhatli fpent . 11 "· 1 • 1 • a whole Commandement a.gainfll them: And J Atluall &nrtes indeed, .all the a&uall ftnnes committed by us ' co"mltlitte·dby fimply confidered in themfdve's, as commiJted ' ~oct~db:;:d by the body, arenot fo hatedofGqd; as the:pol- of G"~as th1: lutionofthe fpirit is. Nay, I dare bee bald to 1 pollut?~n· of , r. t.. h .n. f -d 1 - d h . . the fpmr, ,ay, t11at t ea~ .. o a u tery, an .murt er, .t-s pot fo~~@tninab1e iaGffd.Jeyes, aS~ the fild1ine{fe tyf \ the fpiri'r; 'this is:mo-teabo~inable' in t. he fl{i;br -.· ofr;od, who isaSpitit, than,the aa of the bo- :; dy; for itis thefpir..ittllathemainly'lookes to.\ _ A a 4 _ .. Indeed .