Preston - BT100 P8 1634

. ' Vfe S· ThoghmAnyperifh it is nothing tDC!I1d,heisper[efl.n7 " Vfe 6. Gods commands arefor ourt,oei., he iJpcrfeE. Ibid. Vfe 7· Togive God tht honour tJfhiJperfeEiil11~ I 2 9 Fgure]ignes efexaltingGodsperfeEliln. Ibid. The creatures ofthef»folues t!'n doe nothingfor U5 in ·threere[pe8s. I 37. ·Jr ~c:;;::>Tae E-i;h A-r 'l'Iti:sv .TB., . _Ctul without All t.fuft1'o 140. Reafoa r. . E/fefome tbingfhou/dbebtforehim~- Ibid• . · Reafon :. I · That whi"h hatb api.rt receiveth itfrom the whole,14 I : Reafon. 3• .Allother thing,J hA-ve apoffibillitie not to !Je. 142. ' Vfe r. . Godwill J net things fiecauft they arejufl, !Juttheyare jufluecanfehewiUsJhem. 143 · Vfe 2. GodmAydOAIIthingsfor himfelfe & hi! ownglory.144 · Vfe '3· : · we fhoulddo nnhingforour om~eHas 6ut f(Jr God. 146 Eightjignes to know w~etheram4nmakeGodorhimfelfehisend. 148 . The fourth A 'I' 'I' :s.1 B v-r ne Godis eternal!. \ Doctrine.